Our Shipping Containers Have Arrived!

We received our shipping containers. They left the U.S. in December, and managed to avoid Gita on their way to Tonga.

When they arrived, no-one called from the shipping company, so they sat at the dock for a few day. When they arrived at Liahona, the forklift wasn’t working. (Typical). Took a couple of hours to fix that problem.

Then, the forklift got stuck in the soft grass. Finally, a tow strap was located to pull the forklift back onto the driveway.

Dorothy and her sister came to supervise the work.

All’s well that ends well! We put the crates behind our house, and have unloaded everything, and tucked the supplis away in the clinic. Placing around 800 composite restorations a month is taking its toll on our inventory!

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